
Compiler Construction in .Net (Novi Sad, Serbia)

Lecturer: Löberbauer Markus


No. Time Room Content
1 10.04.2009 16.00 Lab 59/3 Overview, Introduction
2 11.04.2009 09.00 Lab 59/3 The Compiler Generator Coco/R, .Net
3 12.04.2009 09.00 Lab 59/3 The Compiler Generator Coco/R, .Net, Oral Exam


This lecture teaches practical knowledge on compiler construction. After this course, students should be able to write compilers for simple languages. The important phases of a compiler, the lexical analyses, syntax analyses, semantic handling and code generation will be discussed in this course. Further more this course will give an insight over attributed grammars and compiler generators.

In the course we will use the compiler generator Coco/R to generate a compiler from a very streamlined programming language (called micro). The compiler will generate .Net executables.

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The grade results from score obtained during the course and a short oral exam.

Continuative Literature

  • P.Terry: Compiling with C# and Java. Pearson Addison-Wesley 2005
  • A.V.Aho, R.Sethi, J.D.Ullman: Compilers -- Principles, Techniques and Tools. Addison-Wesley 1986
  • R. Hunter: The Essence of Compilers. Pearson Prentice Hall, 1999