Jan Lindh: project manager at Mandator, has experience in modelling and simulation of process automation systems.
Uni Software Plus
Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Exner:
General Manager of USP, has experience in factory and process automation,
machine learning and computer mathematics.
Voest Alpine Stahl GmbH
Dr. Rupert Langer
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Prof. Dr. Gustav Pomberger:
PhD in computer science, electrical engineer, professor for software engineering,
has special expertise in object-oriented technology, software engineering
and process automation. Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Mössenböck:
PhD in computer science, professor for system software, has particular expertise
in object-oriented technology, software tools and system software.
University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Heinz Züllighoven: PhD in computer science, professor for software
engineering, has special expertise in object-oriented technology, software
engineering and project organization.