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0.0 Nachschlagewerke
- Bartsch H.-J.: Mathematische Formeln, 16., VEB, 1977, [HM]
- Breuer H.: dtv-Atlas zur Informatik, Tafeln und Texte, dtv, 1995, [15474]
- Bronstein, I.N. et al.: Taschenbuch der Mathematik, Harri Deutsch, 1993, [HM]
- Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung: UOG 1993,
Organisationsrecht der Österr. Hochschulen, Heft 3, bm:wfk, 1994, [HM]
- Dewdney AK.: The New Turing Omnibus, 66 Excursions in Computer Science,
Computer Science Press, 1993, [15154]
- Duden: Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, Band 1, 19., Dudenverlag, 1991, [14407] [EB]
- Duden: Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, Die neuen Regeln, Die neuen
Schreibungen, Dudenverlag, 1996, [16342] [EB]
- Duden: Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, Die neuen Regeln, Die neuen
Schreibungen, Dudenverlag, 1996, [17149]
- Duden: Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, Die neuen Regeln, 22., völlig bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Dudenverlag, 2000, [17820]
- Duden: Fremdwörterbuch, Band 5., Dudenverlag, 1990, [14406] [EB]
- Duden: Informatik, Dudenverlag, 1988, [HM]
- Duden Taschenbücher: Wörterbuch der Abkürzungen, 3.,
Dudenverlag, 1987, [15507] [EB]
- Duden Taschenbücher: Wie verfaßt man wissenschaftliche Arbeiten?
- Ein Leitfaden vom ersten Studiensemester bis zur Promotion, 2., Dudenverlag,
1988, [15508]
- Duden: Informationen zur neuen deutschen Rechtschreibung, Dudenverlag,
1994, [15509] [EB]
- Langenscheidt: Großwörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch, 8., Langenscheidt,
1995, [15531] [MaH]
- Langenscheidt: Großwörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch, 6., Langenscheidt,
1993, [15532] [MaH]
- Langenscheidt: Taschenwörterbuch Französisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-
Französisch, Langenscheidt, 8., 1982, [15362] [EB]
- Marinovic A., Egger A.: Studienfšrderungsgesetz , WUV-UniversitŠtsverlag,1997, [17263]
- Pons: Großwörterbuch Deutsch/Englisch, Englisch/Deutsch, Ernst
Klett Verlag, 1991, [14408] [EB]
- Pons Collins: Gro§wšrterbuch fŸr Experten der UniversitŠt, Deutsch/Englisch,
Englisch/Deutsch, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1997, [17174]
- Pons Collins: Gro§wšrterbuch fŸr Experten der UniversitŠt, Deutsch/Englisch,
Englisch/Deutsch, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1997, [17175]
- Rechenberg P., Pomberger G.: Informatik-Handbuch, Hanser, 1997, [17052]
- Roget's: Roget's - 21st - Century Thesaurus, Philip Lief Group Inc., 1993, [HM]
- Webster's New World: Dictionary of Computer Terms, 3., Simon and Schuster,
1988, [HM]
0.1 Informatik allgemein
- Aho A.V., Ullman J.D.: Foundations of Computer Science, Computer Science
Press, 1992, [HM]
- Ashenhurst R.L., Graham S.: ACM Turing Award Lectures - The First Twenty
Years, ACM Press, Addison Wesley, 1987, [HM]
- Bauer F.L., Dijkstra E.W.: Zwanzig Jahre Institut für Informatik, ETH-
Report 95, 1988, [HM]
- Bauknecht K., Zehnder C. August: Grundzüge der Datenverarbeitung, 4.,
Teubner, 1989, [HM]
- Bierman A.W.: Great Ideas in Computer Science - A Gentle Introduction, MIT
Press, 1990, [HM]
- Böszörmenyi L., Gutknecht J., Pomberger G.: The School of Niklaus Wirth, "The Art of Simplicity", dpunkt, 2000, [HM]
- Bowyer K.W.: Ethics and Computing, Living Responsibly in a Computerized
World, IEEE Computer Society,1996, [16008]
- Broy M.: Informatik, Eine grundlegende Einführung, Teil II,
Rechnerstrukturen und maschinennahe Programmierung, Springer, 1993,
- Broy M.: Informatik, Eine grundlegende Einführung , Teil III.
Systemstrukturen und systemnahe Programmierung, Springer, 1994 [14741]
- DeMarco T.: Warum ist Software so teuer? Und andere Rätsel des Informationszeitalters, Carls Hanser,1997, [17821]
- Denning P.J., Metcalfe R.M.: Beyond Calculation, The next fifty years of
computing, Copernicus, 1997, [16750]
- Hugelshofer R. et.al.: Informatik - Anwendungen-Algorithmen-Computer-
Gesellschaft, Moritz Diesterweg, 1988, [HM]
- Informatik der J.K.Universität: Die Informatik in Linz,
Universitätsverlag, 1994 [G1]
- Knuth D.E.: Selected Papers on Computer Science, CSLI Publications,1996
Lee J.A.N.: Computer Pioneers, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, [15269]
- Negroponte N.: being digital, Alfted.A.Knopf, 1995, [15605]
- Rechenberg P.: Was ist Informatik?, Hanser, 1991, [HM]
- Shasha D., Lazere C.: Out of their Minds, The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great
Computer Scientists, Copernicus, 1995, [15392]
- Zuse K.: Der Computer - Mein Lebenswerk, 3., Springer, 1993, [16120]
0.2 Tagungsbände
- ACM: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Orlando
- ACM: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press,
Alguquerque, 1992
- ACM: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press,
Charleston, 1993
- ACM: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Portland
- ACM: Conference Record of the Twentieth Annual ACM SIGPLAN-
SIGACTSymposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press,
Charleston, 1993, [16590]
- Czech Society for Computer Science: XXI SOFEM '94, Invited Talks, 1994, [HM]
- Czech Society for Computer Science: XXI SOFEM '94, ContributedTalks, 1994,
- Compiler-Compiler (ed.: Henhapl W.), 3. GI-Fachgespräch, GI-
Fachausschuß 2, 1982, [HM]
- Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation (ed.: Hammer D.), Workshop
Proceedings, Berlin, 1989, [HM]
- Compiler Compilers (ed.: Hammer D.), Workshop Proceedings, Schwerin, 1990,
- Compiler Compilers (ed.: Hammer D.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 477,
Springer, 1991, [HM]
- Compiler Construction (ed.: Koskimies K.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1383, Springer,1998,[HM]
- ECOOP'91 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ed. America
P.), Springer, 1991, [HM]
- ECOOP'93 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ed.Nierstrasz O.),Springer, 1993, [14490]
- ECOOP'94 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ed.Tokoro
M., Pareschi R.), Springer, 1994, [HM]
- ECOOP'95 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ed. Olthoff
W.) Springer, 1995, [HM]
- ECOOP'96 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ed. Pierre
Cointe) Springer, 1996, [HM]
- ECOOP'97 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming , JyvŠskylŠ,
Springer, 1997, [16847]
- ECOOP'98 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming , Brussels,
Springer, 1998, [17232]
- ECOOP'99 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming , Lisbon, Springer, 1999, []
- Eder J., Kalinichenko L.A.: East/West Ûatabase Workshop, Proceedings of the
Second International East/West Database Workshop, Springer, 1995, [15383]
- ESEC'95 - Software Engineering, 5th European Software Engineering Conference,
Sitges, 1995, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 989, Springer, 1995, [HM]
- ESEC/FSE'99 - Software Engineering, 7th European Software Engineering Conference, Toulouse, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1687, Springer, 1999
- Modula-2 Conference: Modula-2 and Beyond, Loughborough, 1991, [HM]
- Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme (ed.: Mayr H. C.,
Wagner R.), Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe EMISA, Springer, 1993, [HM]
- PLSA'94 -Programming Languages and System Architectures (ed.: Gutknecht J.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 782, Springer, 1994, [HM]
- IWOOOS'95, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Object Orientation in
Operating Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, [16693]
- JMLC'94,Proceedings of the Joint Modular Languages Conference, Advances in
Modular Languages, Ulm, 1994, [HM]
- JMLC'97Proceedings of the Joint Modular Languages Conference, Modular
Programming Languages, Linz, 1997, []
- JMLC'97, Short Presentations Proceedings of the Joint Modular Languages
Conference,, Linz, 1997
- JMLC'00: Modular Programming Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1897, Zürich, 2000, [HM]
- PhDOOS'99: Position Papers from the 9th Workshop for PhD Sstudents in Object-Oriented Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, Object Technology International Inc., 2000
- POPL'91: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Orlando 1991
- POPL'92: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Albuquerque, 1992
- POPL'93: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Charleston, 1993
- POPL'94: Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, acm-press, Portland 1994
- PLSA´94 -Programming Languages and System Architectures (ed.: Gutknecht J.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 782, Springer, 1994, [HM]
- Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Workshop on Program Correctness, Reports of
Computer Science, Abo Akademi University, Turku, May 1994, [HM]
- PSI'99: Perspectives of System Informatics, Third International Conference, Preliminary Proceedings, Novosibirsk, 1999
- PSI'99: Perspectives of System Informatics, Third International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, Proceedings, Novosibirsk, 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1755, Springer 2000
- Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software
Tools (ed. L‡szl— Varga), Visegr‡d, June 1995, [HM]
- Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering,
Berlin 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press
SAS'94: Static Analysis, Proceedings of the First International Symposium,
Namur, 1994, Lecture Notes in Computer Sience 864, Springer, 1994, [17060]
- SAS'95: Static Analysis, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium
Glasgow 1995, Lecture Notes in Computer Sience 983, Springer, 1995, [17061]
- SAS'96: Static Analysis, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium ,
Aachen, 1996, Lecture Notes in Computer Sience 1145, Springer, 1996, [17089]
- TOOLS'90 -Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (ed.: BŽzivin J.,
Meyer B., Nerson J.-M.), Ankor, Paris, 1990, [HM]
- USENIX Proceedings and Additional Papers C++ Workshop, Usenix Association,
1987, [15311]
- TOOLS'97:Technology of Object-Oriented Languages & Systems, Santa Barbara,
July 1997 [HM]
- TOOLS 23:Technology of Object-Oriented Languages & Systems, Santa Barbara,
- USENIX Proceedings C++ Conference, Usenix Association, 1988, [15310]
- USENIX Proceedings C++ Conference, Usenix Association, 1990, [15309]
- USENIX Proceedings C++ Conference, Usenix Association, 1992, [15308]
- USENIX Proceedings C++ Conference, Usenix Association, 1994, [15307]
- USENIX Conference Proceedings, Usenix 1995 Technical Conference on UNIX
and Advanced Computing Systems, Usenix Association, 1995
- USENIX Conference Proceedings, Usenix 1996 Technical Conference, Usenix
Association, 1996
- USENIX Conference Proceedings, The Second Conference on Object-Oriented
Technologies and Systems (COOTS) Proceedings, Usenix Association, 1996
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of 13th Systems Administration Conference (LISA'99), Seattle, November 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, Boulder, October 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, Austin, October 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring, (ID'99), Santa Clara, 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the First Conference on Network Administration (NETA'99), Santa Clara, 1999
- USENIX Proceedings 3rd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'99), Louisiana, 1999
- USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology, Chicago, 1999
- USENIX 5th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS'99), San Diego, 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the 1999 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Monterey, 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the FREENIX Track, 1999 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Monterey, 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium, Seattle, 1999
- USENIX Association: Proceedings of the 2nd Large Installation System Administration of Windows NT Conference, Seattle,1999
- USENIX Association: Eighth USENIX Security Symposium (Security '99), Washington,1999.
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, 2nd Usenix Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, Boulder, October, 1999
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, 13th Systems Administration Conference(LISA XIII), Seattle, November, 1999
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, 2nd Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, Austin, October, 1999
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, 7th USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference, Austin, February, 2000
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, 14th Systems Administration Conference(LISA 2000), New Orleans, December, 2000
- USENIX Association: Conference Proceedings, USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS’01), San Antonio, January, 2001
- WSA'93: Static Analysis, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop,
Padova, 1993, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 724, Springer,1993, [17059]
1.1 Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
- Aho A. V., Ullman J.D.: Foundations of Computer Science, Computer Science
Press, 1992, [HM]
- Aho A.V., Hopcroft J. E., Ullman J.D.: Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-
Wesley, 1983, [HM]
- Ahuja R.K.; Magnanti Th.L.,Orlin J.B.: Network Flows, Theory, Algorithms, and
Applications, Prentice Hall, 1993, [16356]
- Bentley P.: Evolutionary Design by Computers, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999, [17727]
- Brown M.H.: Algorithm Animation, The MIT Press, 1988, [16647]
- Budd T.A.: Classic Data Sturctures in JavaTM, Addison Wesley, 2001, [HM]
- Crochemore M., Rytter W.: Text Algorithms, Oxford University Press, 1994,
- Cormen Th.H, Leiserson Ch.E., Rivest R.L.: Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT
Press, 1990, [16334]
- Fisher Y.: Fractal Image Compression, Theory and Application, Springer, 1994,
- Di Battista G., Eades P., Tamassia R., Tollis I.G.: Graph Drawing, Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs, Prentice Hall, 1999, [17812]
- Goldberg D.E.: Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization & Machine Learning,
Addison-Wesley, 1989, [14581]
- Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R.: Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures, In
Pascal and C, 2., Addison-Wesley, 1991, [14806]
- Greene D.H.; Knuth D.E.: Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms, 3.,
Birkshäuser,1990, [16309]
- Horowitz E., Sahni S.: Computer Algorithms, Computer Science Press, 1978, [HM]
- Horowitz E., Sahni S.: Data Structures in Pascal, 2., Computer Science Press, 1987,
- Knuth D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming -Volume 1: Fundamental
Algorithms, 2., Addison-Wesley, 1973, [HM]
- Knuth D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming -Volume 1: Fundamental
Algorithms, 2., Addison-Wesley, 1973, [16442]
- Knuth D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming -Volume 2: Seminumerical
Algorithms, 2.,Addison-Wesley, 1981, [HM]
- Knuth D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming -Volume 2: Seminumerical
Algorithms, 2.,Addison-Wesley, 1981, [16542]
- Knuth D. E., The Art of Computer Programming -Volume 3: Sorting and
Searching, Addison Wesley, 1973, [HM]
- Knuth D.E.: The Stanford GraphBase, A Platform for Combinatorial Computing,
Addison-Wesley, 1994, [14613]
- Main M.: Savitch W.: Data Structures and Other Objects, A Second Course in
Computer Science, Benjamin/Cummings, 1995, [16651]
- Motwani R., Raghavan P.: Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University Press,
1995, [16441]
- Nelson M., Gailly J.-L.: The Data Compression Book, 2., M&TBooks,1996, [16337]
- Ottmann T., Widmayer P.: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, 3., Spektrum,
1966, [16449]
- Press W.H. et al: Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing, 2.,
Cambridge University Press, 1992, [15659]
- Saake G., Sattler K.-U.: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Eine Einführung mit Java, dpunkt, 2002, [HM]
- Sedgewick R.: Algorithms, 2., Addison-Wesley, 1988, [HM]
- Sweeney P.: Codierung zur Fehlererkennung und Fehlerkorrektur, Hanser, 1992,
- Waite M., Lafore R.: Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, Waite Group PressÔ, 1998, [17423]
- Weiss M.A.: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, The
Benjamin/Cummings, 1994, [16789]
- Wirth N.: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen mit Modula-2, 4., Teubner, 1986,
1.2 Programmiertechnik
- Aho A. V., Ullman J.D.: Foundations of Computer Science, Computer Science
Press, 1992. [HM]
- Baber R.L.: The Spine of Software - Designing Provably Correct Software: Theory
and Practice, John Wiley, 1987, [HM]
- Bentley J.: Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 1986, [HM]
- Bentley J.: More Programming Pearls - Confession sof a Coder, Addison-Wesley,
1988, [HM]
- Bentley J.: Programming Pearls, Addison-Wesley, 2nd, 2000, [17705]
- Boles D.: Programmieren spielend gelernt mit dem Java-Hamster-Modell, Teubner, 1999, [17387]
- Czarnecki K., Eisenecker U.W.: Generative Programming, Methods, Tools and Applications, Addison-Wesley, 2000, [17813]
- Cohen E.: Programming in the 1990 - An Introduction to the Calculation of
Programs, Springer, 1990, [HM]
- Dahl O.-J., Dijkstra E.W., Hoare C.A.R.: Structured Programming ,9., Academic
Press, 1981, [HM]
- Dijkstra E.W.: A Discipline of Programming, Prentice-Hall, 1976, [14702]
- Gries D.: The Science of Programming, 4., Springer, 1987, [HM]
- Kernighan B.W., Plauger P.J.: Software Tools in Pascal, Addison-Wesley, 1981,
- Lins C.: The Modula-2 Software Component Library, Volume 1, Springer, 1988,
- Lins C.: The Modula-2 Software Component Library, Volume 2, Springer, 1989,
- Lloyd J.W.: Foundations of Logic Programming, 2., Springer, 1993, [16281]
- Plauger P.J.: Programming on Purpose, Essays on Software Design, Prentice Hall,
1993, [14685]
- Plauger P.J.: Programming on Purpose,III, Essays on Software Technology,
Prentice Hall, 1994, [14686]
- Rauterberg M.et al: Benutzerorientierte Software-Entwicklung, Konzepte,
Methoden und Vorgehen zur Benutzerbeteiligung, Mensch Technik
Organisation, Band 3, VDF, 1994, [15715]
- Wirth N.: Systematisches Programmieren - Eine Einführung, 5., Teubner,
1985, [HM]
1.3 Softwaretechnik
- Aktas A.Z.: Structured Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Prentice
Hall, 1987, [HM]
- Bassett P.G.: Framing Software Reuse, Lessons from the Real World, Yourdon
Press, 1997, [17070]
- Bauer G.: Softwaremanagement, Analyse und Entwurf, Spektrum 1995, [HM]
- Beck K.: extreme Programming explained, Embrace Change, Addison-Wesley, 2000, [HM]
- Beizer B.: Software Testing Techniques, Thomson, 2nd, 1990. [16608]
- Bell P., Evans Ch.: Mastering Documentation with Document Masters for System
Development, Control, and Delivery, John Wiley, 1989, [HM]
- Benzins V.: Software Merging and Slicing, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995,
- Bischofsberger W., Pomberger G.: Prototyping-Oriented Software Development -
Concepts and Tools, Springer, 1992, [HM]
- Booch G.: Software Components with Ada - Structures, Tools, and Subsystems,
Benjamin/Cummings, 1987, [HM]
- Brooks F.P.: The Mythical Man-Month - Essays on Software Engineering,
Addison-Wesley, 1982, [HM]
- Coplien J.O.: Multi-Paradigm DESIGN for C++, Addison-Wesley, 1999, [15178]
- Davis A.M.: 201 Principles of Software Development, MacGraw-Hill, 1995, [15178]
- DeGrace P., Stahl L.H.: Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions - A Catalogue of
Modern Software Engineering Paradigms, Yourdon Press, 1990, [HM]
- Desberg P., Taylor J.H.: Essentials of Task Analysis, University Press of America,
1986, [HM]
- DeMarco T., Lister T.: Wien wartet auf Dich! Der Faktor Mensch im DV-
Management, Carl Hanser, 1987, [14684]
- Fairley R.E.: Software Engineering Concepts, 3., McGraw-Hill, 1987, [HM]
- Freeman P., Wasserman A.I.: Tutorial on Software Design Techniques, 4., IEEE
computer Society Press, 1983, [HM]
- Frühauf K., Ludewig J., Sandmayr H.: Software-Prüfung, Eine Fibel,
vdf, 1991, [14794]
- Gardiner St.: Testing Safety-Related Software, A Practical Handbook, Springer, 1999, [17445]
- Gilb T., Graham D.: Software Inspection, Addisson-Wesley, 1993, [17220]
- Grace Rich: The Benchmark Book, Prentice Hall, 1996, [16462]
- Heckel P.: The Elements of Friendly Software Design, 2., Sybex, 1984, [HM]
- Hoc J.-M. et al: Psychology of Programming, Academic Press, 1990, [16384]
- Howden W.E.: Functional Program Testing and Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1987,
- Hug K.: Module Klassen Verträge, Ein Lehrbuch zur komponentenorientierten Softwarekonstruktion mit Component Pascal, vieweg, 2000, [HM]
- Humphrey W.S.: A Discipline for Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 1995,
- Humphrey W.S.: Managing Technical People, Innovation, Teamwork, and the
Software Process, Addison-Wesley, 1997, [17129]
- Humphrey, W.S.: Introduction to the Personal Software ProcessSM, Addison-
Wesley, 1997, [17128]
- Humphrey, W.S.: Introduction to the Team Software ProcessSM, Addison-Wesley, 2000, [17469]
- IWPC: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
Dearnborn, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, [HM]
- IWPC: Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
Ischia, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998, [HM]
- Kit E.: SoftwareTesting in the Real World, Addison-Wesley, 1995, [16615]
- Koch M., Reiterer H., Tjoa A Min: Software-Ergonomie, Gestaltung von EDV-
Systemen - Kriterien, Methoden und Werkzeuge, Springer, 1991, [14502]
- Lakos J.: Large-Scale C+ Software Design, Addison-Wesley, 1996, [17425]
- Lyu M.R.: Software Fault Tolerance, Trends in Software, John Wiley,1995, [16204]
- Low R.: Writing User Documentation, A practical guide for those who want to be
read, Prentice Hall, 1994, [14689]
- Marti E.: GIPSY: Ein Ansatz zum Entwurf integrierter
Softwareentwicklungssysteme, Dissertation ETH Zürich, 1994, [HM]
- Mayr H.: Project Engineering, Ingenieurmäßige Softwareentwicklung in Projektgruppen,Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2001, [HM]
- Microsoft Technical Reference: Programmers's Guide to Pen Services for
Microsoft¨Windows¨95, Microsoft Press, 1995, [15606]
- Mössenböck H.: She - A Simple Hypertext Editor for Programs, ETH-
Report 145, 1990, [HM]
- Myers G. J.: The Art of Software Testing, John Wiley, 1979, [HM]
- Newman, W.M., Lamming M.G.: Interactive System Design, Addison-Wesley,
1995, [15396]
Pahl G., Beitz W.: Engineering Design, A Systematic Approach, 2., Springer,
- Parrington N., Roper M.: Understanding Software Testing, Ellis Horwood, 1989,
- Perry W.E., Rice R.W.: Surviving the Challanges of Software Testing, A People-oriented Approach, Dorset House Publishing, 1997, [15366]
- Pomberger G., Blaschek G.: Grundlagen des Software-Engineering - Prototyping
und objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung, Hanser, 1993, [HM]
- Pomberger G.: Softwaretechnik und Modula-2, 2., Hanser, 1987,[HM]
Pomberger G.: Softwaretechnik und Modula-2, Hanser, 1984, [HM],
Pressman R.S.: Software Engineering - A Practioners's Approach, 3.,McGrawHill,
1992, [16026]
Price J., Korman H.: How to Communicate Technical Information, The
Benjamin/Cummings, 1993, [15366]
- Sametinger J.: Software Engineering with Reusable Components, Springer, 1997,
- Schmauch Ch.H.: ISO 9000 for Software Developers, ASQC Quality Press, 1994,
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Datenverarbeitung, EDV-Pflichthefte -
Wegleitung für die Erstellung von EDV-Pflichtenheften, Schriftenreihe
des Inst. f. Informatik der Universität Zürich, Band 4, 3., Paul Haupt,
1985, [HM]
- Sommerville I.: Software Engineering, 2., Addison-Wesley, 1985, [HM]
- Sommerville I.: Software Engineering, 3., Addison-Wesley, 1989, [HM]
- Sommerville I.: Software Engineering, 4., Addison Wesley, 1992, [HM]
- Sommerville I.: Software Engineering, 6., Pearson Studium, 2001, [HM]
- Strauss S.H., Ebenau R.G.: Software Inspection Process, MacGraw-Hill, 1993,
- Szyperski C.A.: Write - An Extensible Text Editor for the Oberon System, ETH-
Report 151, 1991, [HM]
- Tracz W.: Confessions of a Used Program Salesman, Institutionalizing Software
Reuse, Addison-Wesley, 1995, [16025]
- Wallmüller E.: Software-Qualitätssicherung in der Praxis, Hanser,
1990, [HM]
- Wassermann A.I.: Tutorial: Software Development Environments, IEEE
Computer Society Press, 1981, [HM]
- Weiss E.H.: How To Write Usable User Documentation, 2., Oryx Press, 1991, [HM]
- Wordsworth J.: Software Development with Z, A Practical Approach to Formal
Methods in Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 1992, [16140]
- Zehnder Carl August: Informatik-Projektentwicklung - Eine Einführung
für Informatikstudenten und Praktiker, 2., Verlag der Fachvereine
Zürich, 1986, [HM]
- Zuser W., Biffl St., Grechenig Th., Köhle M.: Software Engineering mit UML und dem Unified Process, Pearson Studium, 2001, [HM]
1.4 Objektorientierte Programmierung
- Abadi M., Cardelli L.: A Theory of Objects, Springer,1996, [16333]
- Agha G.A.: Actors - A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems,
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3.2 Spezielle Betriebssysteme
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3.3 Verteilte Systeme und Parallelität
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Grundregeln, ETH-Report 146, 1990, [HM]
- Meinhardt H.: The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells, Springer, 1995, [15510]
- Meyer zu Bexten E., Brück R., Moraga C.: Der wissenschaftliche Vortrag,
Leitfaden für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure, Carl Hanser, 1996, [16423]
- Michalewicz Z., Fogel D.B.: How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics, Springer, 2000, [HM]
- Morrison P. und P.: ZEHNHOCH, Dimensionen zwischen Quarks und Galaxien,
Spektrum, [15775]
- O'Connor M.: Writing Successfully in Science, Chapman & Hall, 1991, [16023]
- Reiner L.: Stilkunst, Ein Lehrbuch deutscher Prosa, Verlag Beck, 1991, [15777]
- Sowan F., Horwood E.: Publishing with Ellis Horwood - An authors' guide to the
publication of works in science and technology, 2., Ellis Horwood, 1987, [HM]
- Strunk W. Jr.: The Elements of Style, With Revisions, an Introduction, and a
Chapter on Writing, 3., MacMillan,1979, [16186]
- Thielen D.: The 12 Simple Secrets of Microsoft Management, How to Think and Act like a Microsoft Manager and Take Your Company to the Top, McGraw-Hill, 1999, , [17440]
- Universität Linz: Allgemeines Hochschulstudiengesetz (AHStG),
Jänner 1996
Všlz H., Ackermann P.: Die Welt in Zahlen und Skalen, Spektrum, 1996, [16448]
- Wainer H.: Visual Revelations, Graphical Tales of Fate and Deception from
Napoleon Bonaparte to Ross Perot, Copernicus, 1997
10.1 Software
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Photoshop, 1994
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Photoshop, 2.5, For Bundles Only, 1993
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Photoshop, 3.0, PC, Upgrade, 1993
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Photoshop, 3.0, Mac, Upgrade, 1994
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Photoshop, 5.0, PC, 1998
- Adobe Systems: Pagemill, The best drag-and drop internet authoring tool,
Version 1.0, 1995
- Adobe Systems: Adobe Acrobat 4.0,PC, 1999
- Apple Computer: Inside Macintosh: CD-ROM, Addison-Wesley, [K]
- Apple Computer: Open Doc¨ Component Software Toolkit, 1996
- Apple Computer: Open Doc. A crucial breakthrough!, An Interactive Tour of
OpenDoc Component Software, 1996
- Apple Computer: Macintosh System 7.5, 1994
- Apple Computer: System Software, Developer Group, Jan. 1996
- Apple Computer: Mac OS SDK, Developer Group, Jan. 1996
- Apple Computer: Tool Chest, Developer CD Series, May 1996
- Apple Computer: Reference Library, Developer CD Series, June 1996
- Apple Computer: OpenDoc., A crucial breakthrough! An Interactive Tour of
OpenDoc Component Software - Update
- Apple Computer: OpenDoc Developer Release 5 and Cyberdog, 1996
- Apple Computer: Mac OS SDK, Developer CD Series, July 1996
- Apple Computer: Developer, Disk 2, Developer CD Series, July 1996
- Apple Computer: System Software, Developer CD Series, July 1996
- Apple Computer: Tool Chest, Developer CD Series, August 1996
- Apple Computer: Reference Library, Developer CD Series, September 1996
- Apple Computer: Developer Release, Developer CD Series, September 1996
- Apple Computer: Tool Chest, Developer CD Series, November 1996
- Apple Computer: Reference Library, Developer CD Series, December 1996
- Apple Computer: System Software, Developer CD Series, December 1996
- Apple Computer: Mac OS SDK, Developer CD Series, January 1997
- Apple Computer: WWCD96,1996
- Apple Computer: Newton Toolkit, 1996
- Apple Computer: MacX, Apple's high-performance X Windows System solution
for the Mac OS, Version1.5, 1996
- Borland International: Borland C++ and Database Tools, Version 4.5, 1994
- Celestin Comp.: Apprentice 4, The Definite Collection of Source Code and
Utilities for MacProgrammers,
- Clarisª: FileMaker Pro 2.0, 1993
- Clarisª: FileMaker Pro 3.0, 1996
- Clarisª: MacDraw Pro, 1.5, 1992
- Claris - Homepage 3.0, 1999
- Croel Draw 9 ACADEMIC, 1999
- Connectix: Speed Doubler für Macintosh & Power Macintosh, 1995
- Connectix: Ram Doubler für Macintosh & Power Macintosh, 1994
- Data Becker: Das Superbuch Windows 3.1
- Digitalk: Smalltalk, Object Oriented Programming System for Macintosh,
Frame Technology¨: FrameMaker, Version 5, 1995
- Informatik studienen in Linz, Abt. fŸr Telekooperation, J.K.UniverstiŠt Linz, 1998
Insignia¨: Soft Windows, 1994
- Linux aktuell!: 4 CD-ROMs, S.u.S.E.GembH, Dezember 1996, [16534]
- Mattheis/Storandt: MC-Tools 17, Arbeiten mit 166-Controllern, Feger, Hardware+Software Verlag, 1999
- MacMagazin CD, Tonnenweise Software!,17, Feb. 1996
- Metrowerks: CodeWarrior, Silver DR/2, 1993-94
Microsoft: Developer Network, Development Platform, SDKs and Operating
Systems, Asian, European and Latin American Version, Microsoft, Jan. 96, [15825]
- Microsoft: Developer Network, Development Platform, SDKs and Operating
Systems, U.S.Versions and Setup, Microsoft, Jan. 96, [15825]
- Microsoft: Developer Network, Development Platform, Device Driver Kits, Jan.
96, [15825]
- Microsoft Project 98 , English, 1997
- Microsoft Visual C++ Developer CD, 1997
- Mikrokontroller: 10-stündige Projekte, Wetterstation, Alarmanlage, Simm-Tester, September 1999
- Miramar Systems: MAC LAN for Windows 95, Network any Windows95 PC and
Nico Mak Computing: WINZIP, Version 6.1, for Windows 95, Windows NT, and
Windows 3.1, 1991- 1996
OOPSLA: Proceedings Compendium 1986 - 1996, acmPress, 1996, [16587]
- Siemens-CDROM: Semiconductor Group, Ed.5, electronica 94
- Siemens-CDROM: Semiconductor Group, Ed.2, Application Notes and User
Manuals for Semiconductors, Siemens, Semiconductor Group, 1996
- Siemens-CDROM: Semiconductor Group, Ed.8, Technical Product Information,
- Siemens, Semiconductor Group, 1996
- Siemens: Support Tools Microcontrollers, DAvE-Digital Application
Engineer,Version 1.0, Siemens 1997
- Siemens: Support Tools Microcontrollers, DAvE-Digital Application Engineer,
Siemens 1997
- Siemens: Support Tools Microcontrollers, 8-bit and 16-bit Microcontrollers, CD-
ROM Edition 2.0, Siemens
- Siemens: Support Tools Microcontrollers, 8-bit and 16-bit Microcontrollers, CD-
ROM Edition 2.0, Siemens
- Siemens: Support Tools Microcontrollers, 8-bit and 16-bit Microcontrollers, CD-
ROM Edition 2.0, Siemens
- Springer in Print '95, The Complete Cataloque, CDROM, Springer 1995
SunSoft: Solaris¨ 1.1.1 AnswerBook, [14770]
- SunSoft: Spring Research Distribution: Binary 1.1, Spring-Java IDL Interface, 1995,
- SunSoft: Solaris 1.1.1, SunOS 4.3.1
- SunSoft: Solaris 2.5
- Sybex: Word 6 for Windows, 1994
Sybex: New Classics 3500 Cliparts, [16425]
- Templ J.: Oberon! Das neue Pascal - Für DOS, Windows, Mac und Unix -
Version 1.0, Addison-Wesely, CD
- Templ J.: Oberon! System 3 Release 2.0, Component Ware, Für DOS,
- Visio® Professional 5.0: Arbeiten mit Visio Professional, Produkten, Solutions,1997
- Windows, Mac und Unix, 2., Addison-Wesley, CD
- Umax: Color Scanner, User Guide, 1993
- Walnut Creek CDROM: Plug-and-Play Linux,1994, [15071]
- Walnut Creek CDROM: Sprite, 1984 - 1993, [15072]
- Walnut Creek CDROM: Walnut Creek Sampler, 1995
- Walter J: Mikrocomputertechnik mit der 8051-Controller-Familie, Springer
- WordStar Int.: WriteNow 4.0, 1993
10.2 Videos
- Dijkstra E.W.: University of Texas Austin "Reasoning About Programs",
Distinguished Lecture Series, Vol. III, University Video Communications1990
Goldberg A.: What Should We Learn? What Should We Teach? University
Video Comunnications, Selections from OOPSLA 1995, [16045]
- Helm R.: Patterns in Practice, Selections from OOPSLA 1995, University Video
Communications, 1996, [15981]
- Kiczales G.:, Why Black Boxes are so Hard to Reuse: A New Approach to
Abstraction for the Engineering of Software, Selections from OOPSLA 1994,
University Video Communications, 1994, [15751]
- Kistler M.: Microkernel Concepts and The IBM Microkernel, The Distinguished
Lecture Series XI, University Video Communications, 1995, [15652]
- Knuth D.E.: Computer Musings: The Associative Law, or The Anatomy of
Rotations in Binary Trees, The Distinguished Lecture Series VII, University
Video Communications, 1993
Mitchell J., Hamilton G.: The Spring Distributed, Object-Oriented Operating
System, The Distinguished Lecture Series X, University Video Communications,
Patterson D.: Terabytes>>Teraflops (Or Why Work on Processors When I/O Is
Where the Action Is?) The Distinguished Lecture Series VI, University Video
Communications, 1993
Perazzoli L.: Windows NTª Privileged Architecture, The Distinguished Lecture
Series XI, University Video Communications, 1995, [15653]
- Stroustrup B.: The Design of C++ ,The Distinguished Lecture Series VIII,
University Video Communications, 1994, [15654]
- Williams T.: Principles of OLE 2.0: An Exposition of Microsoft's Object-Oriented
Systems Architecture, The Distinguished Lecture Series VIII, University Video
Communications, 1994, [15655]
11.1 Diplomarbeiten
- Chiettini St.: Bitmap-Editor für Oberon, Juni 1995
- Fellmayr R.: Ein objektorientiertes Framework für den Compilerbau, Mai
- Knasmüller M.: A Graphical User Interface for the Oberon System, April
- Kogler M.: Spreadsheet-Elemente in Oberon-Texten, Nov. 1995
- Leitner H.: 80386 Assembler für Oberon, Jan. 1996
- Mayrhofer Ch.: Hierarchischer Datei-Manager für Oberon, Dez. 1995
- Lehner J.: Erzeugung von "Literate Programs" aus Hypertext-Dokumenten,
November 1996
- Steindl Ch.: Entwurf und Implementierung einer Stücklistenverwaltung
mittels einer Client/Server-Datenbank, Dezember 1996
- Pöcksteiner Ch.: Entwicklung einer Programmierumgebung für
blinde Benutzer, März 1997
- Wismayr St.: Liftsteuerung mit einem Mikrocontroller, Nov. 1996
- Pirkelbauer P.: Implementierung eines Exceptionhandlingmechanismus unter
Verwendung von Metainformation, Juni 1997
- Gehrer G.: Entwicklung eines PostScript-Interpreters für Oberon, Oktober 1997
- Meindl F.: Implementierung eines Werkzeuges für den White-Box-Test,
Dezember 1997
- Leitner S.: OLE-Textelemente für Oberon, Mai 1998
- Wimmer M.: Ein verteilter Editor für Oberon, Juni 1998
- Obiltschnig G.: An Object-Oriented Interpreter Framework for the Oberon-2
Programming Language, Oktober 1998
- Aufischer St.: Shared Whiteboard mittels Java-RMI, November 1998
- Prenninger Ch.: Verteilter Editor, Jänner 1999
- Pühringer E.: Eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung für das JDK von SUN,
Februar 1999
- Lichtenberger R.: Ein verteiltes Dateisystem für Oberon, August 1999
- Beer W.: Visuelle Montageumgebung für Java Softwarekomponenten, Juni 2000
- Wöß A.: 3 D - Visualization of Object Interactions, August 2000
- Ertl M.Ch.: Flexible Visualisierung von Walzstraßen, Oktober 2000
- Schuhmacher M.: Verteilter UML-Editor in Java, April 2001
- Schwaiger G.: Der Einsatz von Handheld-Computern im kommerziellen Umfeld, Juli 2001
- Steinlechner M: Agentenunterstützte e-Business Verhandlungsplattform, Oktober 2001
11.2 Dissertationen:
- Fröhlich H.: Hypothesengesteuerte Analyse von Objektarchitekturen, J.K.Universität Linz,
März 1999
- Prevelakis V.: A Model for the Organisation and Dynamic Reconfiguration of
Information Networks, Université de Genéve, 1996, [HM]
- Knasmüller M: Oberon-D, On Adding Database Functionality to an Object-
Oriented Development Environment, Schriften der J.K.Universität, Reihe
C, 22, 1997, [HM]
- Rege K.A.: Konzepte und Entwurfsmuster in der komponentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung, Universität Zürich, 1999, [HM]
- Steindl Ch.: Program Slicing for Object-Oriented Programming Languages, J.K. University Linz, 1999
- Steindl Ch.: Program Slicing for Object-Oriented Programming Languages, Schriftenreihe der J.K Universität Linz, Reihe C, 33, 2000
- Hof M.: Composable Message Semantics in Object-Oriented Programming Languages, J.K.University Linz, 1999
- Narzt W.: Design Patterns for Process Automation Systems, J.K.University Linz, 2000
11.3 Tutorials:
- Awad M., Ziegler J.: Objects in Real-Time Systems, Nokia Research Center,
Helsinki, ECOOP 96, T2
- Bruce K.B.: Typing in Object-Oriented Languages , Achieving Expressibility and
Safety, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, ECOOP 96, T 16
- Coplien J.O.: Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms, AT&T Bell
Laboratories, Naperville, IL, ECOOP 96, T1
- Eichelberg D., Wagner B.: MET++: An Object-Oriented Multimedia Framework,
Univeristy of Zurich, ECOOP 96, T 6
- Fowler M.: A Survey of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods,
Independent Consultant Boston, MA, ECOOP 96, T 8
- Gall H.C., Klšsch R.R., Mittermeir R.T.: Deriving Object-Oriented Architectures
from Legacy Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Klagenfurt University,
ECOOP 96, T 7
- Gruntz D., Pfister C.: Component-Oriented Programming, A Step Beyond OOP,
Oberon microsystems Inc., Zurich, ECOOP 96, T 15
- Jagadish H.V.: Object-Oriented Databases for Communication Networks, AT&T
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, ECOOP 96, T 14
- Johnson R.: How to Develop Frameworks, University of Illionois, Champaign,
ECOOP 96, T 5
- Jul E.: Introduction to Distributed Object Concepts, University of Copenhagen,
ECOOP 96, T 3
- McGregor J.D.: Testing Object-Oriented Components, Clemson University, SC,
ECOOP 96, T 9
- Odersky M.: Connecting with Java, University of Karlsruhe, ECOOP 96, T 11
- Pree W., Sikora H.: Application of Design Patterns in Commercial Domains,
University of Linz, RACON Linz Software, ECOOP 96, T 13
- Schäffer B.: Advanced Smalltalk: Elegance and Efficiency, Union Bank of
Switzerland, Zurich, ECOOP 96, T 10
- Vinoski St.: Building Distributed Applications With CORBA and C++, Hewlett-
Packard, Chelmsford, MA, ECOOP 96, T 4
- Vlissides J.: An Introduction to Design Patterns, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, NY, ECOOP 96, T 12
- Wegner P.: Foundations of Object-Based Programming, Brown University,
Providence, RI, ECOOP 96, T 17
- Templ.J.: Java, The Best of Two Worlds? J.K.University Linz, JMLC'97, T1
Pree W.: Design Patterns for Object-Oriented Software Development, University
of Constance, JMLC'97, T3
- Szyperski C.A.: Component-Oriented Programming and the Oberon/F
Component Framework, Queensland University of Technology, JMLC'97, T4
11.4. Projektpraktika:
- Ahrer B.: Wetterstation mit dem SAB 80C167, März 1999
- Deichstetter H.: Mikrocontroller-Steuerung einer Alarmanlage, August 1999
- Meindl M.: SIMM-Tester, Ein universelles Testgerät für Speicher-SIMMs, September 1999
11.5. Diverses
- G.Chroust: Adolf Adam - Ein Leben in Anekdoten (Zum 80. Geburtstag), Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik, 1998